Is it possible to promote a different modality of value-assessment for public assets and for the public interest related to their valorisation?
Operators underlined the opportunity to taking into further account economic benefits generated and the downstream activities produced by the redevelopment of unused public assets, besides the simple cash-flow of the property’s disposal, which should not represent the sole essential element for the convenience of the operation, given that the sale value is often inferior to the one shown in the public budget, both for estimates made in different market context and because of the physical and functional obsolescence of the asset. To this purpose, the investor could propose a redevelopment long lease, contemplating small rents against investments for the redevelopment of the asset, with the obligation to exercise his purchase’s preemptive rights once the contract expires at a convenience for the Public Administration. Alternatively, the investor could propose a project financing, disbursing no fees, with the obligation, however, to return the redeveloped asset to the public authority once the contract has expired.